While editing my book, No One Could Know, my friend/editor Debbie Seaborn had a phrase rolling around inside her – in a very Dr. Suess-ish sort of way. With inspiration from his book, Horton Hears a Who, out came the poem at the end of my book. I hope you enjoy it here today as I thank God for yet another amazing person He brought into my life. I hope your life, too, is filled with people like Debbie Seaborn.
No Matter How Small
by Debbie Seaborn
People are people, no matter how small.
“Life” isn’t measured by how big or how tall.
What? “They’re not ‘people’? They’re too small to exist?”
Just wait a few weeks: Tiny feet! Tiny fists!
They call you an “it,” but we know that’s not true.
God gave you life. You’re a person—a “Who”!
The unborn are people, being formed, being fashioned.
They’re God’s handiwork, being delicately crafted.
Yes, people are people, no matter how small.
When you meet little “Who,” it’ll be worth it all!